Happy New Year 2014

Curio & Co. counts down to the new year with vintage newspaper comic Frank and His Friend. Curio and Co. www.curioandco.com

Celebrating the present right now means reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to the future.

2013 was a good year to us at Curio & Co. We got to meet so many new friends and spend time with old friends at trade shows and conferences like Angoulême in France and Comic-Con in California. We released a Special Collectors Edition of Frank and His Friend to bring back all of the best memories from childhood. And best of all, it was another year of fun being a part of the Curio & Co. team.

We have a tradition at our last staff meeting of the year where we make predictions about the coming year and seal them in an envelope to be opened at the end of the next year. There were many surprises in 2013 – certainly no one saw Disney acquiring both Star Wars and Indiana Jones – and there were some no-brainers. We all predicted that Mr. Druthers would predict flying cars again for 2013. He’s a predictable optimist.

Also at the year’s last staff meeting, we share our New Year’s Resolutions for the coming year. My resolution is to show up on time, and to shave at least once a week. Considering that not shaving is related to oversleeping and not having time, I know it’s going to be tough. (So tough that in fact there’s a betting pool to see how long it lasts.) Louis has resolved to switch to decaf coffee – although we’re all trying to persuade him to reconsider. As it is, he’s practically unintelligible before his third cup of coffee in the morning, so decaf could be rough on all of us. Shirley’s resolution is the same one she’s made for the last four years: to finish the sweater she started knitting four years ago. Jay’s thinking ‘bucket list’ with his resolution this year, and says that 2014 will be the year that he finally visits the Hotel Nacional in Mexico City (Room 703). Mr. Druthers has resolved to order less paper next year – a resolution imposed on him by Margie, who can’t make room for all of the watermarked, linen-finish, high-tooth, hot press, or vellum that Mr. Druthers just can’t resist. Of course, Margie’s resolution is to be less bossy, so she’s not really off to that great a start.

Whatever your resolutions, we hope that 2014 brings you health and happiness with family and good friends.

Wishing you a Happy New Year from all of us at Curio & Co.