Boba Fett clones everywhere!

Stormtrooper costumes at Lucca Comics and Games 2011

Costumes Costume Costumes

It seems that there's absolutely no way of going to a trade show/comic convention without being ambushed by Boba Fett clones.  Stormtroopers are everywhere!  Lucca Comics and Games 2011 was no exception.  Even though we have to say that our favorite costumes at the show were: a Spaceman Jax that Philip La Carta would've been proud of, and a Calvin and Hobbes that Bill Watterson would've been proud of.  

Both costumes appeared from the never-ending crowd as we were swamped by gamers (we were next to the gamer's tent).  I was desperately trying to pull my camera as I saw Jax blasting his Ultra Turbo Zap Gun - what a sight ! - and Calvin was pulling his red wagon followed by a bouncing Hobbes. But, as quick as they appeared from the crowd they vanished. No picture.

It was quiet an experience being at Lucca for a show of that kind.  Such a small quiet city that for the 5-day event turns into a large festivity.  My suggestion though… avoid Saturdays that was deadly!  It was San Diego Comic-Con Saturday deadly.  The only difference is that you were in the city walls of the small charming Italian town.  Which is a pretty good trade-off for the absence of the large Hollywood Studio presence.