Disneyland Records

Curio & Co. looks at classic Disneyland Records from the 1980s, like the Book and Record for the Pete's Dragon film. Curio and Co. www.curioandco.com

Read along with your favorite hit records.

I had a pretty extensive record collection as a kid. Blockbusters like Ernie’s Rubber Duckie, seasonal standards like Merry Snoopy’s Christmas. But the discs that got the most rotation were the Disneyland Records “Read Along” book and record sets.

The book and record sets claimed to give kids a head start in learning to read. Now I can’t say whether or not that was true, but I definitely followed along and listened to those records over and over. I loved following the story, and then singing along to the songs, and I really loved that I had my own records I could play whenever I wanted.

I learned to take good care of my records and treat the record player with respect, not that there weren’t some scratched records and the occasional broken needle. (What are kids learning to use today – iPads and transmedia apps?)

I guess I was also setting up a lifelong love of audio books and radio dramas, although I wouldn’t realize that for another thirty years. And I still miss hearing Tinkerbell ring her little chimes, so I know when to turn the page…