Who's up for a contest?

 Curio & Co.'s Gadabout time machine user's manual

They say there's not such thing as a free lunch, but they didn't say anything about free collectibles!

Our friends over at Kollectible Kulture are hosting a contest to give away one copy of the Gadabout time machine user’s manual.  Number 100, in fact.

All you have to do to enter is head over to their site and leave a comment on the contest post telling us about one of your childhood memories featuring one of our products.

Entries will be judged by our CEO Elmer Druthers (who you all know is a sucker for a heart-warming tale) and our Office Manager Margie (who’s known for her wicked sense of humor).  The best story will receive a copy of the Gadabout user’s manual, but we’ll also pick some random winners to receive Spaceman Jax fan club pins.

But you’d better hurry!  The contest ends on October 31st.  So brush off your memories – we’ll keep our fingers crossed for you!